Instance Detail

Your instance detail

When you initiate deployment, the instance detail page becomes available. This page is divided into five sections, each providing crucial information about your deployed instance.


The Overview section contains essential instance information:

  • Model details (batch size, max input length, number of tokens)

  • Instance configuration (cloud provider, region, GPU type)

  • Endpoint and API key (visible after successful deployment)

You can regenerate the API key for security purposes. Learn more about API key management.

A playground is also provided for quick model testing. See how to use the playground.

Usage & Cost

This section displays real-time usage and cost information:

  • Each row represents usage and cost for a specific pricing period

  • New rows are added when pricing changes

Example: If L4 GPU costs 1.00/hour in September and increases to 1.20/hour in October, you'll see separate rows for September and October usage.

For a comprehensive view of all instance costs, visit the payment settings.


The Activity section shows monthly instance activity. Learn more about activity dashboard.


This section displays the deployment status with the following possible states:

  1. Initial: Checking model and limitations

  2. Allocate: Allocating resources

  3. Running: Deploy successful, ready to use

  4. Terminated: Instance shut down (will still show 3 checked statuses)

If deployment fails, system will automatically terminate the instance


Currently, the Setting section offers the option to terminate the instance. Learn how to terminate an instance.

Last updated